Methods of Payment
We accept Debit Cards, Cash or Cheques and payment is due when collecting your pet/s.
If boarding for a month or longer 50% is due on admission and balance due on collection of pet/s

Dog Boarding: Rate CI$28 per night / dog
We have 40 open air kennels completely enclosed and secured kennels each with their own secure run. You can bring your dog’s bed and toys if you wish, but we do not accept responsibility for items misplaced or damaged. We have plenty of bedding and towels here so you don’t have to bring them. All dogs are fed twice daily unless otherwise instructed. Food is provided. We use a 26% protein dry kibble and we also have Pedigree wet food if your dog enjoys a mixture of wet and dry food. If you wish to keep your dog on a specific diet that you use, please provide us with this food and ensure it is labeled and in a sealed container. Please bring enough food for their stay and a few days beyond just in case plans change.
All dogs are let out of their kennels for at least 1.5-2 hours per day to run and exercise in our many enclosed fields. If your dog(s) are social, then they may be able to play with other dogs that are boarding here. If they aren’t social, they will still have their time out of the kennel in their own play area. Every dog has it’s own 5 gallon water bucket in their kennel which is monitored throughout the day to ensure they are never without water.
Day Care: Rate CI$15 per day / dog
We have many fully enclosed fields to allow your dog(s) to come for the day and run around and tire themselves out. Again, if your dog(s) are social, they can play with the other dogs here for day care. If not, they can have their own area in which to run around. You will love how tired your dog is when it comes home.
Cat Boarding: Rate CI$20 per night / cat
We have 13 open air kennels, each with their own litter tray and two shelves for your cat(s) to investigate. We also provide areas for them to hide in their kennels if they are shy. We have plenty of bedding and toys, but you can bring your cat(s) own bedding and a few toys if you want. We do not accept responsibility for items misplaced of damaged. Dry cat food is provided as is wet cat food if that is what your cat prefers. All cats have access to food and water at all times unless otherwise instructed. If you wish to have your cat(s) stay on the diet you have at home, then please provide us with this food in a labeled and sealed container. Cat kennels and litter boxes are cleaned every day and cats (if they allow it) will be given cuddles, hugs and caresses throughout the day.
Critter Boarding – Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Birds, Fish – CI$15 per day
Rabbits can be boarded in the cattery with the cats in their own separate kennel. Please provide food and instructions and we will take care of the rest. For the other critters, as long as they come with their own cage (or bowl) and food, we will take care of the rest